Friday 12 October 2012

Special delivery...

Continuing the photos theme from my last blog, here's another one sent to me by a friend.  I think it also links nicely with my previous thoughts about outputs and outcomes.

After ordering something over the internet a few days earlier, my friend returned home from work to find this card had been pushed through the letterbox.  A search then revealed that the parcel had indeed been pushed into the hedge in her front garden. 

As far as the delivery person was concerned they had achieved another output and whilst the outcome for her was that she'd received the parcel, how she'd received it left her shaking her head in disbelief.  Shoving a parcel into the hedge didn't leave her with a good impression.

The root cause of this is twofold.  Firstly, the focus on output rather than outcome.  Secondly, the fact that the delivery element of the transaction is outsourced.  The retailer doesn't know how the delivery company is impacting the customer experience, and the delivery company doesn't care because they get paid the same amount irrespective of it.

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