Sunday 22 April 2012

How to make decision making easier

In my experience the best ideas are the ones that get a "That's so obvious!  Why didn't I think of that?" response after they've been expressed.  That was exactly what I thought recently after hearing an interview with Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive of WPP, the gobal advertising agency, in which he talked about decision making.

In it he explained that the key to effective decision making is having a plan, against which any and every decision should be considered.  He explained that he makes decisions based on whether they are  in support of and aligned to the plan.  If they are it's a yes,if not a no.  He explained that it means regularly reviewing the plan to make sure it's current and then keeping it front of mind at all times.

That's it, an extraordinarily simple way to help make quick and effective decisions!  I'm going to try it.....

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